It’s a cold day, but it’s not raining. It’s a wedding day. Normalcy runs through the air, with a flurry of suppliers arriving throughout the day. They’re like a colony of ants, all scurrying for one common goal. The centrepieces are reminiscent of something out of the Wes Anderson film, Moonrise Kingdom. The florist is in keeping with the theme; merry, whimsical, elegant.
“Oh no, I just do this for the love, duck! I’m a full-time teacher by trade!”
I’m focused, but also distracted with anticipation. A dragonfly, seeing its iridescent body reflected in the calm water. This contrast of feeling is something I’ll become accustomed to in the coming months.
Today is someone’s wedding day, but it’s also the day I’m offered the job as the General Manager of The Embankment.
It’s Monday 16th of March.
The blossom has been out for a while now. The daffodils are on sale for a quid a bunch and our sun is delivering glimmers of hope after a long, long winter.
Despite the light, there’s a faint darkness creeping into our peripherals. There are termites burrowing in.
“And you should avoid pubs, clubs, theatres and other such social venues.’’
You what, Boris?!
It’s Friday 20th of March.
It’s been a peculiar week. The days are filled with conspiracy theories, whines and groans. The nights are different. The nights flow with a hazy buzz. It sounds like a small gathering of moths, marching towards that flickering glow in the window.
The daily 5pm ritual is important to us now.
“Did he just say…?”
“He did.”
“What?! Now?!”
The moths come bounding in, there’s bloody loads of them now. It’s a huge army. Their wings are fluttering desperately.
They’re elated! They’ve made it while the light is still on!
They don’t know when it’ll be turned back on again.
It’s Friday 22nd of April.
I’m thinking about the florist, graceful like a butterfly. Her rainbow colours will be warming hearts.
I’m thinking about timing. The half-built hive, the honey-bees eager to return.
I’m thinking about calibrating my ideas. Metamorphosis.
I’m thinking about the moths. I miss the moths! All of them.
I’m thinking about turning that light back on.
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