We don’t like to dwell, but it was pretty rubbish when pubs in the UK were given a few hours to close their doors back in March 2020. What do you do when you have cellars stocked with beer, and kitchens full of food, but no customers?
In a spectacular effort, Castle Rockians worked all weekend and more to save and share whatever we could. We batch cooked, sold cheap boxes of gorgeous fresh veggies, upped our take-away beer offers, and launched our drive thru. And we made a gin!
For our first try, we went for a refreshing citrusy gin, infused with juniper, citrus peel and botanicals. Pair it with a tonic (we like lemon best) over ice, for optimum enjoyment.
While beer only has shelf-life of weeks, the shelf-life of gin is basically indefinite. As a green-accredited brewery and reigning champs of the STARS award, this was an ideal solution to minimise our waste in the face of the CV-19 pandemic.
Please note: you lot seemed to really enjoy Beer Gin #001 and we’ve totally sold out. Check our shop in the next few days for Beer Gin #002 and #002-Winter. Think bursts of citrus with liquorish root in the former; warming blackberries in the latter. We told you there would be more to come!
As always, we’d love to know what you think. Drop us a message on social media or using the contact form on our website.
Cheers, keep your gin up!
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