
East Midland’s Champion Beers Announced

  • Written by Castle Rock Brewery
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As you know, we don’t like to toot our own horn but… it’s also great to celebrate good news! Particularly as so much hard work goes into making our beers as good as they can be.

This time round, it’s an absolute pleasure to see some love for a couple of classics from our core range.

CAMRA’s Champion Beer of Britain Awards are particularly prestigious as initial nominations start with people just like you. Beer lovers. Unlike some competitions, in which breweries can enter their own beers, the CBoB Awards start with votes from CAMRA members after they’ve enjoyed a pint in the pub.

So, the following accolades from this year’s East Midlands Champion Beer of Britain are extra special:

  • Black Gold • 3.8% ABV • Silver

Category: Mild Beer 

Black Gold always proves popular at this time of year, when stepping into your local feels akin to settling down by a warm fire. A delicious, full-bodied mild with a hoppy aroma and well-balanced bittersweet taste, it’s well worth seeking out all year-round.

  • Harvest Pale • 3.8% ABV  Bronze

Category: Pale, Blonde and Golden Ales – Session Beer 

In 2010, Harvest Pale won Champion Beer of Britain. And while 12 years might not be much to some of us(!), the beer and brewing industry has moved on leaps and bounds. And for the better: standards have never been so high, and the choice has never been so broad. So, we are humbled that Harvest Pale remains a favourite for so many, all this time on.


We’d like to say a massive thank you to all the CAMRA members who took the time to vote for our beers. Also, to our brewers for continuing to do us proud, year on year. And of course, thanks to all our customers who love drinking it.

If you are interested in joining CAMRA and supporting Britain’s pubs and breweries, click here.

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