Trammie Dodger.
This beer has some serious history!
Originally brewed to celebrate the arrival (or return) of the tram system in Nottingham, Trammie Dodger was first launched at the Robin Hood Beer and Cider Festival back in 2003. The reception was fantastic and the beer went on to win the ‘Best in Show’ award, from SIBA and so, we thought, why stop brewing it? Over the years the recipe has stayed pretty much the same, though the name changed to one you might have heard of: Harvest Pale.
Two decades on and multiple awards later, including the prestigious Champion Beer of Britain award in 2010, Harvest Pale has gone from strength to strength. To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Harvest Pale we have decided to take a journey in time, back to where it all began.
We hope you can join us at this year’s Robin Hood Beer and Cider Festival to see Trammie Dodger in all its retro glory. If you are feeling nostalgic, yet to sample our flagship beer, or perhaps just want to visit an old favourite, it would be great to see you there.
Of course, we’ll have a number of other exciting beers on the bar this RHBCF alongside Trammie Dodger, too. We are particularly excited to showcase a Pattesbeir brewed on our Pilot Project… find out more here.
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